29 Nunes Drive Novato, CA 94945
29 Nunes Drive , Novato, California 94945
(Sold At) $1,945,000

Property Details
Property Description
29 Nunes Dr, Novato, CA 94945 is a single family home built in 1996. This property was last sold for $1,945,000 in 2018 and currently has an estimated value of $2,248,400. The median sales price for the Northwest Novato area is $987,500. The $2,248,400 estimated value is 143.86% greater than the median listing price of $922,000 for the Northwest Novato area.
According to the Novato public records, the property at 29 Nunes Dr, Novato, CA 94945 has approximately 3,899 square feet, 5 beds, 3 full and 0 half baths with a lot size of 1.6 acres. Nearby schools include San Ramon Elementary School, Sinaloa Middle School and San Marin High School.
* Elegant Design With 12 ft Ceilings
* Privacy
* Borders Open Space
* Cabernet Vineyard
* Main Level Master Suite
* Kitchen off Family Room
* Breakfast Nook
* Wine Closet
* Pool Site
* Manicured Grounds
Property Type Single Family
Property Status: Sold
29 Nunes Drive , Novato, California 94945
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